Saturday, February 9, 2008


First of all, when Maltida was a child,she liked to read books and cooked by herself.When she was angry, she had some special power to control sometings. She was a self-supporting child, and she is very bright, in contrast, other children liked to play outside, they didn't have any special power when they angried, and they depende to their parent.
Even though Maltida's family is terrible,her family has something similiar with other families. She has parent and a cousin, in common,her cousin always teased her everytimes. She's parent were pushed her to go to a poor school by a trade.A big different is Maltida, who had always been blame by her parent,she's family didn't like her to read books ,they just enjoied in own life.
In my opinion,she is a very smart,self-supporting and brave girl,I need to learn somethings from Maltida. Infortunately, she doesn't have a good family and parent.

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